What is Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)?
“Tummy Tuck” or “Abdominoplasty” is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to provide a smoother and firmer abdominal profile. Abdominal sagging is a problem that usually appears after childbirth. This procedure is extremely beneficial for women who have sagging abdominal skin, stretch marks on their abdomens, and weakened abdominal muscles. In such cases, trying to remove the fat in the abdomen with liposuction empties the skin, causing it to sag. Therefore, the sagging part is required to be surgically removed. This procedure is called tummy tuck or abdominoplasty.
However, abdominoplasty and liposuction can be performed in combination with each other. The operation may involve full abdominoplasty, tummy tuck and endoscopic abdominoplasty, depending on the patient’s abdominal condition. We’d like to emphasize that abdominoplasty is not a type of obesity treatment. If you are an obese individual, it is beneficial to lose weight before this procedure.

Are you a suitable candidate for abdominoplasty?
Individuals with sagging abdomen due to one of certain factors such as pregnancy, heredity, aging and excessive weight loss are among the suitable candidates for abdominoplasty.
Which type of abdominoplasty is ideal for you?
The full abdominoplasty procedure is often performed on people who have given birth or who have dramatically gained and lost weight. Patients, who have excess skin above the navel that forms a fold under the belly button that can be grabbed while sitting, may be suitable candidates for full abdominoplasty. If the excess skin and fat are located solely under the belly button, a mini tummy tuck can be performed. In cases where there is no excess skin but some excess fat accumulation, and where the abdominal wall is loose due to childbirth, endoscopic abdominoplasty can be preferred.
Preoperative Period
As with all surgical procedures, it is necessary to stop using aspirin and smoking 3 weeks before an abdominoplasty operation. In the last week, it is necessary to avoid using blood thinning drugs and other similar substances. It is beneficial for patients to avoid excessive sun exposure in the last days before the surgery. A cold or another infection may cause the postponement of the operation. In addition, food and fluid intake should be stopped at least 6 hours before the operation.
Surgical Process
Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. Full abdominoplasty may take 2 to 4 hours depending on the extent of the surgery, while mini tummy tuck and endoscopic abdominoplasty may take about 1-2 hours. Although the technique to be used differs from patient to patient, generally the saggy skin with stretch marks, which is located between the belly button region and the horizontal line drawn at the cesarean section level, is removed and then the skin above the belly button is stretched down. The surgeon recreates the belly button to bring it into the proper position.
If there is a problem of excessive fat in addition to saggy and loose skin, excess fat in the abdomen is removed by a procedure called liposuction. The sutures placed on the abdominal wall membranes tighten the loosened abdominal muscles and enable them to regain their previous hardness. At the end of the surgery, the incision sites are sutured with aesthetic sutures, in such a way as to prevent the formation of unsightly scars. After the operation, abdominal sagging, looseness, and stretch mark problems caused by pregnancy or excessive weight gain in particular are eliminated. However, if the patient gets pregnant and gives birth again after the surgery, some of these problems may recur.
Postoperative Period
Dressing should be applied immediately after the operation. The patient wears a special abdominal corset to minimize swelling and support the abdomen. The patient may have pain and swelling in the abdomen for the first few postoperative days. However, this condition can be controlled with painkillers. Drains placed during the operation are removed after 1 to 3 days on average. 3 weeks after the operation, the patient will be able to notice the new shape of her body. This will increase the self-confidence of the patient to a great extent.
The patient can return to work after 2 to 4 weeks. The surgical scars will be pinkish in color for the first 3-6 months, and their fading and flattening takes 9 to 12 months. Incisions are made in such a way that the scars remain under the bikini.
What are the potential postoperative complications of abdominoplasty?
The most feared postoperative complication of abdominoplasty is pulmonary embolism. This condition usually develops in patients with varicose veins. Excisions and plications made during the procedure tighten the abdomen, increasing the intra-abdominal pressure. This condition slows down the blood return from the legs, and may cause blood coagulation in leg varicose veins, just like in pregnancy.
When the patient stands up, the clot travels to the lung as embolism. In order to prevent this problem, all patients with a history of varicose or coagulation should be examined with color Doppler imaging before surgery. If clot aggregation is found in the examination, varicose veins should be operated first. If clot aggregation is not found, compression socks, pneumatic pumps and blood thinners are adequate precautions.
Another postoperative complication is suture dehiscence. Since this condition develops especially in patients who smoke, smoking should be stopped at least 3 weeks before the operation.
Is the result permanent?
Abdominoplasty provides a radical solution to problems in the abdominal region, and it can be said that its results are permanent. In case of excessive weight gain or loss after surgery or in case of getting pregnant again, the results may regress to some extent. However, patients never return to their state before the surgery.
Is it possible to get pregnant after abdominoplasty?
It is possible to get pregnant after abdominoplasty, but pregnancy may loosen the abdominal wall and the skin again. Therefore, abdominoplasty is not recommended for patients who plan pregnancy in a short time after the operation. However, this surgical procedure poses no obstacle to pregnancy.
Abdominoplasty Prices
The price of abdominoplasty operations vary depending on the experience of the surgeon who will perform the procedure, the clinical environment where the operation will be done, and the quality of the materials that will be used in the operation. You can call our clinic to get detailed information and make an appointment.
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) in Turkey
Turkey offers you a fascinating experience with its thousands of years of history, unique nature and delicious food and beverages. For abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) in Turkey, please check our health tourism page and see how easy & fast the processes can be. You can also check out our page about places to visit in Mersin.